Saturday, July 3, 2021

Confused Biden Has to Pull Out Notes to Answer Question

  The illegitimate indiviudals mental state is declining at a faster rate now. Here you see him freezing up over a question about cyber attacks and once again having to go to his cheat sheet (take note he has them in both inside jacket pockets) to answer the question. [video qaulity is bad at times, this was pulled from a livestream]   'I'll tell ya what they sent me,' aka here's what they TOLD ME TO SAY. When a serious event occurs, and it will, there will be no cheat sheets available for this fraud to use to respond. Some joke about his cognitive decline but it's serious and is an absolute national security threat. FYI China is building 100 brand new nuclear missile silos - do you really think the old guy can handle the Chinese (forget the fact they already own this regime) to stop potential armed conflict?? Do you think the Russians aren't increasing their nuclear weapons, and how about Iran? Do you really think the Iranians, RICH in natural resources (oil, gas) need nuclear power? They're building bombs, and this old guy is the last person you want on that wall to deal with any of these hostile nations. Donald Trump is mentally sound yet the Left wanted to remove him via the 25th Amendment. If we go by their idea of mentally unstable for Trump then Biden is surely out of his mind and should be removed ASAP. Yes, we will have the harlot in the big chair so it's a lose lose either way, she at least doesn't have applesauve for brains! WHO is writing out his daily cheat sheets?? Jarrett-obama war room.

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