Friday, July 9, 2021

Lincoln Project Stooge Says Capitol Riot "Likely to Kill A Lot More Americans" Than 9/11 & 20yr War After!

The gaslighting from the Left, which includes the pedos over at the Lincoln Project, is off the charts. Hacks like this Steve Schmidt think if they keep saying the Capitol riot was the worst event in history people will believe it and fear more is coming. This jackwagon claims the event was so bad, its effects will continue on and get more people killed than those who died on 9/11 AND the 20 year war that followed!!
“The Jan 6 attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks. And in the end, the J6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks which will include the casualties of the wars that lasted twenty years following it."
Truly a monster who needs to hear from the families who lost loved ones on 9/11. These Leftists have no shame and no bounds to how low and ridiculous they'll go. Schmidt and his ilk are in fact showing how stupid they think American are to listen to this bs.
America the time for sitting back waiting for someone to come along and do something is long over. You must get active, you must take stand, calling out these degenerates.

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