Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Great One Savages the GOP Over Disastrous Biden!

When the Great One Mark Levin speaks people need to stop and listen to what he’s saying. Tonight on Hannity as you would expect he took shots at the old guy for being corrupt, a tool of the Left and ‘the most disastrous president in modern American history’. Everything he said was true about the damage Dementia Man Bad is doing, taking the US down a path of destruction, but then Levin put his sights on the GOP.
He railed on the GOP how useless they are by taking no action whatsoever against the worst POTUS in US history! When Trump was President the democrats wanted to invoke the 25th Amendment and of course tried to impeach him for doing his job. And let’s not forget when they tried to impeach him again after leaving office… so where’s the GOP?