Monday, September 27, 2021

Biden: 97-98% of Americans Must Be Vạccinạtẹd to Get Back to Normal

The old guy wants 325,065,153 Americans to get the shot before we can get back to normal! "97%, 98%. I think we'll get awful close. But I'm not the scientist. I think one thing is for certain. A quarter of the country can't go unvaccinated and us not continue to have a problem."

Got it?
Don't think for a second this monster and his ilk won't move to forced vạccinạtions and do to America what's being done in Australia. They're never going to stop with any of this because YOU have not fought back and resitened. They gained massive power and control over the nation without firing a shot in the name of public health safety. They continue to gradually take more and more from us because no one said NO.
Why is he and so many progressives hell-bent people get a shot for a bug that has a 99.96% survival rate? And lastly, WHAT'S IN THE SHOT?

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