Thursday, February 10, 2022

Biden Says 'You Should Have Peace of Mind' Under Historic Inflation

The inflation rate published today is at 7.2%, the highest since 1982, where the illegitimate individual said American's who got a 6.3% increase in wages but are now paying 7.2% more for things 'should have peace of mind'!

When mash potato brains was called out about inflation being temporary by Lester Holt, his response was typical Leftist attack the messenger and blame others...

Do you feel better knowing you're paying an additional $250 a month (at the least) because of this clueless old kook's f'd up economic policies? And keep in mind progressives STOLE the Presidency from Pres Trump to make this all happen, this is ALL on purpose!
How much more is enough America until you stop voting for democrats who know how to do only one thing - destroy everything they touch? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people who insist voting for democrats who WRECK EVERYTHING and then blame their clusterf__k on the GOP?
You people are literally... clinically certifiably insane.
I've had a change of heart, I want this old kook to stay in office for the next 3 years so he can F this country up as much as possible. Maybe then Americans will finally wake up, if not you get what you deserve.

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