Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Fauci Continues to Push Lie Virus Came From 'Animal Reservoir'

  After all we know to date about the bug and his involvement, DrMengeleFauci continues to push the lie that the virus is the result of animal to human transmission...

'how this went from what was very likely an animal reservoir, given the similarity with bad viruses, how that happened to go into humans to lead to this outbreak'!
This little evil elf played a direct role in the bug's development that THIS SITE was the FIRST to post the study of its origin,(THAT EVERYONE NOW CITES but gives me no credit for finding) in what appeared to be a research on how to combat a virus of its type.
Sen Paul and others have solid proof the evil elf was involved with gain of function research that created the bug and yet here he is trying to gaslight the country it came from some animal (bat) that came in contact with humans!
NO IT DID'NT! Read the study for yourself and pay attention to the credits/thanks at the end to the NIH for the grants it provided. Oh and also pay attention that it wasn't just Wuhan lab, but labs in the US and Switzerland that were involved with the research!!
This little jerk needs to go to prison for what he's done.

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