Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Fạủcỉ: We Won't Go Back to a Pre-C0V1D "Normal"

  Unelected Medical State tyrant DrMengeleFauci said we're never going back to pre-cọvỉd normal, 'That doesn't mean that it's going to be exactly the way is was 3 or 4 years ago.... Normal will not be exactly the way it was before all of this.'

If this little evil elf thinks that the American people are going to remain in this state of being told to get shots that don't work, wear masks that don't work, and be treated like cattle he is truly delusional.
The division and hate in this country, already permanent after 8 years of obama coupled with the bullshit the Left pulled during the Trump admin, got even wider over this hoax. While not headlining news as much as it did, people are still on edge, fights still break out and how can we forget the cancel culture and abuse of power only adds fuel to the fire. Point being if this clown thinks we're going to live like this over the FLU, and that is all it is and ever was, he's on crack! If these monsters don't back off, especially after todays revelation from John's Hopkins that it was all more or less bullshit, someone is going to snap. It's not a question of if but when.
Fraudci needs to not only be removed from power but locked up never to be seen or heard from, making it clear the same will happen to anyone trying to pick up where he leaves off.

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