Monday, March 7, 2022

As Gas Prices Hit Record Levels, Transpo Sec Says BUY an Electric Vehicle!

  Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has ZERO experience in just about anything but none of that matters because HE's GAY, told attendees at WH event on infrastructure the best way to deal with unaffordable record gas prices (avg price is $4.10/gal) is to buy and electric vehicle!

The average price of an electric car is around $55K! Most Americans who continue to struggle to make ends meet after the double whammy they got from the FAKE pandemic, can't afford these vehicles... let's be honest if most could afford $55K for a car/truck they'd be driving around in a nice BMW, Mercedes, Mustang, Corvette(used), high end truck/suv. People can't afford this crap as it is, and btw Sec Mayor JACKASS where are we getting all the power to run all these electric vehicles? NO ONE ever asks the climate change cult that if they got their wish no more fossil fuels where the power is coming from to run everything and don't you dare suggest nuclear!
Elitists are beyond out of touch with reality and average people as they're completely obsessed with their climate change agend that will result in MORE CHAOS!

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