Thursday, March 17, 2022

He's Baaaack: If There's a Rise in Cases We'll Go Back to Restrictions

As news comes out about a rise in bug cases in Communist China, coupled with the economy tanking under the poor leadership of the democ...fascist party, CNN picked up the phone to get the evil little elf on air to say what we know is coming again - just in time for the midterm elections!

We all know the bug IS NOT the lethal killer progressives made it out to be. We never once saw mass graves from those who died from the bug, like those we are seeing in Ukraine from the war, and yet progs continue to act like that has in fact happened with their fearmongering. They know Americans are angry over everything going on in this country with rampant inflation, gas prices skyrocketing etc all a result of the radical policies being implemented, that will no doubt lead to voter revolt. The 2020 election proved they can "win" so long as they have an emergency to justify mail-in ballots and other criminal acts to manipulate election results. And thanks to the audits progs know where ALL the mistakes were made so this time around you won't even know they stole another election, "Dem Rep/Sen ___ just barely squeezed out a win holding their seat."
Fauci is progressive's weapon to steal elections, leading to permanent one party rule. He is a national security threat and should be removed from power ASAP; we don't have time to wait for Sen Paul's bill that eliminates Fauci's job!

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