Monday, November 10, 2014

Ferguson Gun Store Owner Says Sales Have Skyrocketed

No neighborhood is safe after this verdict comes out if Wilson is not indicted

The biggest problem with Ferguson is the majority of animals calling for violence there are not even from the area. Do you hear any of the race hustlers or pundits calling for them to leave? Nope! As a matter of fact on top of Jackson and Sharpton amping things up with commies you now have Commiewood loons like Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte sticking their nose in.

Radicals have co-opted the locals who have a genuine beef with the city and law enforcement looking to literally start a war! These people are out for blood, they don't care about the truth or who gets hurt. Innocent businesses and people have been attacked leaving locals fearing for their lives, it's no wonder gun sales are skyrocketing. When it's announced Darren Wilson will NOT be indicted for Michael Brown's death prepare for all hell to break loose. What would be ideal is for all residents to stay home the day the announcement is made including those who have participated in protests. Leave the radicals, commie agitators and like on the streets to be dealt with by police and the National Guard. Don't get mixed up with their insane revolutionary dreams you will only get hurt being a human shield! All you gun owners lock and load, keep your powder dry....

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