Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Obamacare Architect Tells MSDNC He Spoke "Off the Cuff" & "Regrets" Calling the American Voter Stupid

No no no Prof Gruber was not speaking off the cuff or making inappropriate comments. Gruber was in fact doing what every single radical elitist tied to this corrupt admin does, he spoke the truth because he was in a "safe" environment being among his own kind. Now that he has been caught the lies and back pedaling begin.

FYI this POS (and Professor I will say that too your face uncensored on national tv) did not have the BALLS to go on Megyn Kelly's show to defend his statement from last year.

Gruber is soooo remorseful he ran to the regimes propaganda network to issue this "apology" after calling We the People stupid and lying to the entire nation. Those of you who are victims or lost family because of obamacare here is the brain behind it and he couldn't careless about any of you! Surely there is at least one bloodsucking attorney out there who can concoct a case against this guy and the govt for committing fraud? He is not a politician immune from prosecution like Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, obama and the rest of the radicals who rammed this obaminable law through. Something has got to be done to hold these monsters accountable for the damage they're doing to the nation!

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