Thursday, June 16, 2016

Obama Politicizes Orlando Visit Attacks Republicans as He Calls For More Gun Control

As expected Darth Hussein™ politicized his meeting with the families of the Orlando terrorist attack calling for more terrorist gun control.

His majesty's argument is that because Orlando & San Bernardino terrorist attacks were home grown Americans Second Amendment rights should be infringed. Of course it's the republican whig party's fault because they stand in the way of legislation obama and his progressive party have tried to ram through that would violate our rights.

Not surprising the petulant child in chief dismissed the attackers as deranged individuals. It is beyond dangerous to be dismissive with these monsters who want to kill us all. These were cold-blooded hardened islamic terrorists, they were not mentally ill or deranged. The boyking then went on pushing the lone wolf deception too. These killers are not lone wolves, they are part of a wolf pack that has been unleashed on the US and our allies this administration continues to trivialize.

Let's make something clear France and the UK have complete gun bans but that didn't stop the Paris attack November 2015 nor the British MP from being assassinated today! Terrorists, criminals and the mentally ill do not care about the law. If Hussein and the democrats believe this to be true then please pass a law that says everyone has to follow all the laws!

Obama believes the 'instruments for death' ("assault weapons") used in these attacks should be taken out of the hands of the law-abiding because... well because he is a progressive aka communist and knows whats best for all us dumb people. Gun control is not the answer. These monsters need to be hunted down and killed. BOMB THE HELL OUT OF THEM IN THE MIDDLE EAST, wherever these cockroaches are hiding on US soil destroy that too as far as the Patriot is concerned.

What a sad nation we've become that after a terror attack the president focuses his energy on taking more of our rights away, doing nothing to stop those hell-bent on killing us all...

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