Thursday, September 15, 2016


Why you might ask the SPINELESS House republicans have backed off voting to impeach IRS chief John Koskinen? Apparently because of the election! You see America they care MORE ABOUT KEEPING THEIR SEAT OF POWER than doing the right thing. So now, according to Fox and Louie Gohmert this will end up in another hearing with the House Judiciary Committee!? Why? We've had more than enough hearings to determine how incompetent but more importantly how corrupt the agency under Koskinen is since Lerner's departure.

This is why so many want Trump in the WH. They want to see the entire system burned down to the ground. Problem is the wrong people are going to be left standing to start over. The down ticket is more important than who you choose for the WH! Trump supporters you do understand without a republican majority in the House and Senate he won't be able to get anything done. If Pelosi and Schumer are in power the wall will never be built. Therefore it is imperative to elect strong Constitutional Conservatives to the House and Senate!

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