Monday, October 3, 2016

Border Surge: Illegals Flooding Across Border at Higher Level Than 2014

"...this is absolutely fascinating when we were down at the border shooting this last week, one immigrant told me that word is spreading in Mexico and Central America to get here now because of Donald Trump wins the word on the street down there is that the wall will go up things will be sealed off. So the smugglers are saying to get here now..."

The US has been immobilized by obama and democrats ringing the amnesty bell. There are more unaccompanied minors and OTM's (Other Than Mexican) crossing the border set to surpass levels from 2 years ago! How many of those OTM's are from the middle east? How many criminals and terrorists have infiltrated groups crossing over this administration is gladly allowing entry. Why is no one talking about how our Border Agents are wasting time changing diapers and serving illegals who should be put on a bus and sent back? Why is no one in DC calling Mexico out, with its harsh immigration policy, for turning a blind eye to these illegals entering their country to enter the US? This surge will continue as smugglers/ coyotes scare people to cross over the threat of a possible Trump administration where a wall would be built.

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