Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ivy League School Officials Caught on Hidden Camera Destroying US Constitution

Big shocker right?!

Few days ago Project Veritas released hidden camera footage of professors and faculty at Vassar and Oberlin colleges destroying the Constitution because it was "triggering" a "student". As expected the hidden camera exposé by Veritas didn't stop there as other Ivy League school officials at Yale, Syracuse, Cornell were just as quick to denounce and destroy the very document that provides the freedom they live under! Talk about hypocrites but even scarier these are the people many parents and students are paying A LOT OF MONEY to educate them but instead are actively engaged in indoctrination against our founding documents. Now some may argue these officials were destroying the Constitution to comfort the student but at no time did they ever challenge anything she said on the good it provides which outweighs her suggested negatives.

Fact remains the people infesting these institutions are hell-bent to reshape America by trivializing our founding, condemning the very documents and systems that made it successful while pushing liberal PC propaganda to hate and destroy anyone who disagrees.

"Well they say you need a college degree", how many times have you heard that? Who is this "they" that dictates how we should live our lives? They are the very people who will gain wealth, power and influence by those complying with their threats to get a degree or else... same ones now telling people to stay in school get another degree or masters or PhD! They are the same people who demonize corporate America, capitalism and self-made individuals yet remain silent on how rich these schools are and the power faculty has.

America I'm warning you those making the argument that a college degree is required to move ahead is a ruse cooked up by progressives to control and enslave us and its been going on for decades.

Save your money invest it in your own business or get specialized training if you or your children are not seeking a career that requires higher education. There are countless successful Americans who got to where they are today without a college education. Many skills required by jobs today can be acquired outside of 4 year degree from some college or university liberal indoctrination camp.

Someone should do a scientific poll or census contacting everyone who got a degree and finding out how much of that education really matters in their daily work life. How much of that education is really put to use and whether the skills and information they learned in college they do use could have been acquired elsewhere at trade school for a fraction of the cost.

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