Thursday, November 5, 2015

UC Merced Knife Attacker Identified as Student Faisal Mohammad

Haven't said too much on this as we await more details on the attacker but how many times have we heard the same story of a "loner, who kept to themselves" all of a sudden goes on an attack? Couple that with one of the students saying he couldn't believe it, didn't think it would ever happen at this school because he thought the school was a safe place. NO SCHOOL IS SAFE, or anywhere really, as long as the anti-gun lobby gets its way with these gun-free zones leaving people defenseless against the mentally ill and criminal minds.

Yes, I know the attacker used a knife, maybe it's all he could get his hands on after all he just turned 18 and you have to be 21 to buy a gun! Maybe he couldn't get his hands on a gun! Maybe he chose to use a knife on purpose since a report of an ISIS-linked tweet is praising him along with the general propaganda flowing out by islamic radicals calling for lone wolf attacks like the knife attacks we're seeing in Israel! Is this a lone wolf islamic radical inspired terrorist attack? We don't know but in this day and age it can't be ruled out especially after what victim/ survivor Byron Price said about the attacker "He had a smile on his face, he was having fun".

There are more attacks now than there were after 9/11 when those colored alerts were going up and we were being warned to be on guard. Those alerts should be up now and the last thing people should be doing is disarming. I contend this nut wouldn't have tried to stab anyone if the school wasn't a gun-free zone and peoples Second Amendment rights were not being violated. We live in dangerous times people need to revolt against the elites in power stripping us of our rights to self-protection. This attack, like the Santa Barbara massacre, proves if someone wants to hurt and kill people they'll find a way with or without a gun!

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