Saturday, January 2, 2016

Judge Pirro Blasts Obama: Instead of Blaming Guns, Start Shooting Terrorists

Judge Pirro starts 2016 calling obama out for announcing his plans to usurp our Constitutional gun rights in a time when terrorism is on the rise.

Darth Hussein™ is more concerned with protecting islam and putting his political agenda ahead of Americans safety and security. It isn't surprising he is planning on taking this action so soon after San Bernardino. Just a reminder this is the same guy who won't acknowledge the terrorist threat to America while allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons! Only progressives (aka patient communists) would move to punish law-abiding Americans for the actions of terrorists and criminals.

There are NO LAWS that will stop any mass shooter or terrorist from killing people. Frankly what obama and the dems are doing now is giving terrorists more power by punishing Americans. In an interesting twist on reality, mass killers (psychos/ terrorists) didn't give libs the political capital to get gun control through. Thanks to obama and democrats terrorists now know all they have to do is shoot America up because he and his lackeys first reaction will be to move on taking our rights away instead of killing terrorists!

Don't hold your breath for Congress to get his majesty under control. They've done nothing for 7 years and if anything have ceded more power to him. US military, sad bunch who are choosing their pensions over their oath... yea I said that, deal with it!

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