Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Fmr Breitbart Reporter Forced to Abandon Home For Security Because Fox & BuzzFeed "Accidentally" Published Personal Info

Fox News and BuzzFeed "accidentally" published Michelle Fields personal information which has forced her to leave her apartment after being bombarded with harassing ans threatening calls...

"Both of the news outlets inadvertently posted the phone number and address of Fields when they published the arrest report of Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Fields had alleged Lewandowski committed simple battery against her at a news conference earlier this month and he was arrested and charged Tuesday."

Accidentally published huh? Some would argue it's not surprising from BuzzFeed but really Fox News? If ANYTHING happens to that girl you will be held responsible!

This primary season has gone completely off the rails. The obsession for certain candidates has clearly led to acts of intimidation, thuggery (towards the media, pundits and even private citizens) and violence. Those on the right, we're supposed to be on the same side doing everything we can to stop another 4-8 years under democrat rule. For whatever reason everything that has been learned, talked about and fought for over the last 8 years under obama's reign of terror has been thrown to the curb. This nation has become fixated with replacing one demigod with another demigod that I can tell you will not end well for any of us and could very well mean the end of this Republic.


HT Blaze

⚠️WARNING: Don't want to hear a word about what happened in FL between Fields and Trump's campaign manager. It's now in the hands of the justice system. Any comments posted even remotely about that will be deleted and you will be banned.⚠️

We can agree or disagree on what did or didn't happen at another time, this is about a woman's life is being threatened.

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