Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Judge Napolitano: 'Day of Reckoning' Coming For Hillary Clinton

Well one can hope the Judge is right that a day of reckoning is coming for Clinton but a question I've asked still stands: Even if she is indicted who is going to prosecute her, the obama DOJ? Does anyone really believe Loretta Lynch will prosecute Hillary for breaking countless federal laws like the Espionage Act?

Lets assume they will try but the indictment and charges backfire propelling Hillary to the White House. The prosecution fails, does anyone have any clue to how many heads will literally roll, if not people involved disappear!?

The real day of reckoning is going to come when people realize after this felon, Clinton, is set free. If DC thinks people are mad now by whats happening with this primary and general election they have no clue after there is confirmation we live under two sets of rules; one for the people the other for elites. This nation is powder keg that is just about to go off. We're headed in very dangerous times.

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