Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Clinton Doubles Down on The View the Unborn Have No Constitutional Rights

Hillary Clinton isn't missing a beat maintaining her position that a child/ baby has no Constitutional rights. Libs love this but here's the problem and why Clinton will never go on conservative talk shows:

If a baby, sorry libs clump of cells, still in the womb has no rights then how come if said clump is killed when the mother is murdered or severely injured the killer/ attacker is charged with capital crime of murder for the unborn clump of cells? The unborn have no rights, are not considered people except in the case of murder/ assault of the mother where that which dwells in her womb dies is enough of a "person" that an individual can be charged and convicted for murder!??

What kind of bizarro backwards country are we living in? You libs/ progressives are by far the biggest bunch of hypocrites on the planet. It's no joke liberalism is a mental disorder.

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