Friday, April 8, 2016

Clinton: 'Not Even the Remotest Chance' of Arrest Over FBI Investigation

FBI are you listening? Hillary is calling a criminal investigation a security review. She knows she broke the law, committed felonies, but believes is above the law and is laughing at you... literally!

Under 18 US Code §793 alone she is facing fines, up to 10 years in federal prison AND IT DOESN'T MATTER if she sent or received anything marked classified.

Will the FBI do what is right, indict and prosecute her or prove to the world there are two sets of rules in America. One for elites like Clinton who will break the law and laugh it off and the other for we the peons who will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law when we commit the same crimes as she.

I don't think the FBI and many within the DOJ realize the fate and future of this country lies in the balance. If Clinton is not held to the rule of law then it will show how corrupt this govt has become where more people will break the law. It will be the first of many dominoes to fall accelerating this country into a very dark place that we're already headed into.

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