Friday, April 29, 2016

Leftist Mob Blocks Road, Topples Barricades But Fail to Stop Trump From Speaking at CA GOP Convention

Leftists tried but failed to stop Trump from giving a speech at the CA GOP Convention. They toppled the barricades and blocked the road his motorcade was traveling forcing Trump, his entourage and security detail to walk to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Burlingame CA.

We all have differing opinions and support the candidate closest to our values and principles BUT NO ONE has the right to silence another from invoking their Constitutional rights because they have a difference in opinion and political ideology. Leftists know this but don't care, it's their way or chaos. There are too many radical groups involved but we know Occupy, Black Lives Matter, Sander's supporters and your all around anrachists and open border types are involved with these protests. We can be sure don Soros and the radical organizations on his payroll are responsible for organizing this protest today and last nights chaos in Costa Mesa, CA.

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