Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Rep Peter King: I Hate Ted Cruz, I'll Take Cyanide if He Wins Nomination

#1 This is a perfect example of New York Values from RINO Peter King

#2 Ted Cruz, a true constitutional conservative, is clearly doing something right to have so many progressive republicans hating him as much as progressive democrats. So sorry he wants people to abide by the rule of law they took an oath to protect and defend with their lives!

#3 Does Grimace (King) promise to take cyanide if Cruz gets the nomination or is he just making another empty promise like most of the jerks in DC?

Could you imagine how the media would be flipping out if a congressional TEA Party representative was to say this about a democrat or Trump!? One good thing about this primary is a lot of fake conservatives (CINOs) and RINOs have been outed.

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