Monday, April 18, 2016

Trump Surrogate Roger Stone: It's Beyond My Control If Violence Happens

Roger Stone, many Trump surrogates and frankly Trump himself have thrown gasoline on the fire with subliminal messages of violence at the RNC convention if he is not named the nominee. For Stone to now more or less say "don't blame me" isn't going to fly. If there is any violence against delegates or other party members etc Roger Stone and Donald Trump are going to be blamed. Don't care if that upsets you to read that either! We said the same thing about obama with his rhetoric, same goes for this Trump and his people. They  need to knock it off, they are amping up very upset even unhinged people at this point.

There has been continuous conga line of misinformation and lies of a "rigged system" from Trump and his surrogates. He didn't mind when the system he attacks gave him wins in states  where he averaged 38% of the vote but got 46% of the delegates. If he is going to complain then he should lead by example and only keep the number of delegates equal to the percentage of votes he wins! Donald and his pals damn well know the rules, he ripped Rick Santorum in 2012 demonstrating he understands how it works, and that this system is designed to prevent mob rule! The US is a Republic not democracy, we have rules, whether you agree or not, with how the nomination and election process works.

There is no reason to upend a system that has worked for 156 years because one candidate whines when he doesn't win. My God America when are you going to wake up and see he is nothing but a con artist who is feeding off your anger and hate!?

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