Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Trump Destroys CNN for Reporting FAKE NEWS

Pres-Elect Trump gave his first press conference of the year and answered questions about the intelligence report that came out about him having deep ties to Russia that CNN and Buzzfeed ran with all day yesterday. Keep in mind this "news" is what Harry Reid was talking about last year calling out the FBI to release info about Trump-Russia ties.Apparently a few outlets were sitting on this but chose not to run it DURING THE ELECTION! Why? Because they did their homework and realized it was too weak or because they were hoping they could destroy the Trump presidency?!

Regardless, the truth came out and PEOTUS ripped into Buzzfeed and CNN for running the fake news story. One of the most damning parts was when he stated the Michael Cohen in their story who traveled to Prague wasn't the same Michael D Cohen who works for the Trump organization, who NEVER left the country!

When Trump decided to move on reporters started calling out questions where he called on a woman but you could hear CNN's Jim Acosta barking over all of them "since you're attacking us". Trump decided to address Acosta and make it clear he won't take questions from CNN...

'I'm not going to give you a question, you are FAKE NEWS'

That line now defines CNN!

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