Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Biden Edu Sec Nominee: Schools Have Responsibility to Let Boys in Girls Sports if They Are Trans

  The illegitimate regime is lining one radical up after another for Cabinet positions. Here we have Miguel Cardona being questioned by Sen Paul whether he has a problem with biological boys competing as and against biological girls, where Paul makes it clear girls are missing out on titles and scholarships. Cardona of course doesn't see it that way where everyone deserves the right to compete.   The unhinged violent Left wants people to think boys and girls/ men and women are the same biologically and it's okay for either to identify as the other sex. The problem is men develop quite differently than women - their muscles, tendons, ligaments and bone structure is much different and frankly superior. This is why you see transfemale athletes destroying their competition, be it on a high school track or in an MMA cage! You would never allow a boy to run against girls in a track meet, but if he ID's as transfemale then all of sudden it's okay. It's not okay, this is going to do more damage that people can imagine. This all inclusiveness, make everyone feel good, we're all equals policy from the illegitimate regime will be this country's undoing. In the end, spineless GOP senators who have a problem with this issue and candidate will go ahead to vote and confirm him. You can be sure in the coming years they'll run to the media complaining about them when their constituents are complaining that their biological daughters have been "erased"!

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