Wednesday, February 3, 2021

WEAKLINGS in House GOP Vote to Keep Cheney as Conference Chair

House republicans held a closed-door/ secret vote tonight and of course they voted to keep PROGRESSIVE Liz Cheney in her seat of power as conference chair, after her support of impeaching Pres Trump! The GOP is impotent, incompetent and weak. This is more proof the party is OWNED by progressives and DEAD to 75-85M voters. Apparently Not! They all talk of unity and taking back the House in 2022, not gonna happen with this roster. Since we don't know who voted for who today, it's one more reason for those on the fence to walk away from the party of Do Nothings. But you have to wonder who caved to Kevin McCarthy voting to support Cheney? 'House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told reporters after the conference meeting that he stood up for Cheney in the meeting.' You can be sure it was some spineless jerks who go on tv talking tough but went the other way behind closed doors. I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR THE GOP, NO MATTER WHO WHINES "YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR __ THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION...." FU

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