Thursday, February 18, 2021

Dems Intro Bill Banning Fed Funds to Commemorate Pres Trump to Preventing Him From Being Buried in Arlington National Cemetery

  The democrats... socialists introduced HR 484 No Glory for Hate Act 'To prohibit the use of Federal funds for the commemoration of certain former Presidents, and for other purposes.' Under this bill no federal funds could be used to: '(1) create or display any symbol, monument, or statue commemorating any former President that has been twice impeached by the House of Representatives on or before the date of enactment of this Act or has been convicted of a State or Federal crime relating to actions taken in an official capacity as President of the United States on Federal public land, including any highway, park, subway, Federal building, military installation, street, or other Federal property; or (2) name, designate, or redesignate a Federal building or Federal land after, or in commemoration of, any former President that has been twice impeached by the House of Representatives on or before the date of enactment of this Act or has been convicted of a State or Federal crime relating to actions taken in an official capacity as President of the United States.' The bill also bans federal funds 'or financial assistance will be used for the benefit of any building, land, structure, installation, or any other property that bears the name, or is named or designated in commemoration of, any former President that has been twice impeached by the House' Next the fmr President would only be entitled to Secret Service protection anything else under the Former Presidents Act of 1958 is revoked. And lastly the bill will also prevent any former President that has been twice impeached by the House [TRUMP] from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Now there's probably a good chance Trump already has his final resting place planned out, one can assume where other family members are buried but this bill is proof of how vindictive, nasty and purely evil the socialist party has become. This is what these MONSTERS are spending our tax dollars on! How many of you have had your job hours reduced if not eliminated and/or your lost your business under the pandemic scam? We have serious social and economic issues in this country and THIS is the nonsense socialists are focusing on when they're not trying to wipe out our God-given/natural rights. Those who voted for these monsters running the US into the ground while carrying out this never ending vendetta against Trump can GO STRAIGHT TO HELL. You're as evil as they are. Anyone who votes GOP, You Better Light A Fire Under your Senators and Representatives to take immediate action to get control over our election system. Because until PROGRESSIVES are removed from running it and counting the ballots MONSTERS like the dems who introduced this bill against Donald Trump will continue to get power in this country.

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