Thursday, February 11, 2021

Propaganda Minister Confronted Over Weak Border Policies While Considering Domestic Travel Restrictions

  Little shocking to see the media pushing against the regime over poor border policies while considering domestic travel restrictions. Psaki does her typical word salad bs trying to sound intelligent and prepared that equates to a lot of nothing. First she is confronted over the increase activity on the border as with invaders believing the border is open because of what the old kook has been saying since before dems seized the presidency.   Psaki of course blames the Trump admin for illegals now coming to the US stressing the need for comprehensive immigration law to solve the root problems!? WHAT? The problem is democrats WANT illegals in the US to change demographics resulting in permanent one party rule as they ACCOMPLISHED in CA. Invaders are coming to the US because of the bs coming out of the old kook and his party's mouths promising the world to these people if they can get here within the first hundred days of his reign of power. She talks of "Smart Security" which is USELESS because this regime has no intention of enforcing border security. What good is it to have cameras, sensors or drones monitoring remote locations on the border if you're not going to send agents out to apprehend invaders!? Next the tool is confronted over how the regime is considering domestic travel restrictions over covid concerns while leaving the border wide open to people we know they're already allowing into the US without being tested!   Just total bs coming from this regime, and it is confirmation they're #1 priority is making illegals first class citizens as this site has been warning. They DON'T CARE about any of us, including you dolts who voted for them. This regime and their lackeys only care about money, power and control over all of us, and they'll use illegals to get there. Once socialists get what they want they won't give a damn about the illegals in this country. What and how they're using them is exactly what democrats did to the black community. They used them for power and now don't care about them most of the time, where they'll throw new social entitlements at blacks to keep them satisfied while blaming whitey as to why they didn't get more! Democrats are going to destroy this country... we will end up like Venezuela.

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