Sunday, February 21, 2021

Psaki Refuses To Condemn Cuomo’s Nursing Home Deaths Cover-Up

It should be no surprise that the illegitimate regime through it's Propaganda Minister, Jen Psaki, won't condemn Gov Cuomo over his handling of covid and the nursing home death's he covered-up. Why? Because they all think alike, and it's all about controlling the narrative that all the deaths are Pres Trump's and republican gov's fault. The media constantly attacked Trump for not doing enough. The puppet goes on national tv saying there was no vaccine even though he got vaccinated before taking power. And radicals continue to attack FL Gov DeSantis for even though states like CA and NY have the most cases and deaths. You won't hear Psaki, the old kook or the harlot even go after one of their own, no matter how bad things get. Cuomo killed people whether the Left wants to admit it or not. Pretending like it didn't happen, refusing to condemn him or doing whataboutism over a GOP gov isn't going to change that fact. Just understand this is an example of how far the Left is willing to go to protect their own regardless of the body count. Maybe this will encourage people to get involved and change how elections are run, vs allowing progressives to control it all including who counts the ballots. Until that happens these monsters will continue to be in power.

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