Monday, April 11, 2022

GOP Ldr Signals No Impeachment If Repubs Get Majority

  I've been saying it over and over again, Kevin McCarthy and the majority of the GOP are completely useless, but more importantly SPINELESS. In this clip the waste of flesh hints if the GOP in fact beats the democrat machine, that controls the election system and counting ballots, they will not seek to impeach the illegitimate individual, 'we're not gonna use it [impeachment] for political purposes'.

Now while I've been clear I want the old fool to stay in place so Leftists can feel the pain too and have nothing to stand on as the country is reduced to rubble, the fact that the repubs won't remove him, should they win by an act of God, shows they're as bad as the dems.
Folks it's not just democrats who have to be thrown out, the majority of the GOP has to go too!

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