The regime admits it held up the decision to send 1,500 more troops to Iraq until after the midterm elections; so much for all that talk of no boots on the ground!
Does anyone believe the lies that our soldiers being sent back to Iraq will not be in a combat role? The moment they touch Iraqi soil they're "engaged" with a huge bullseye on their backs. Our warriors will not only have to worry about ISIS attacking them while serve in a "training & advisory role" but have to worry about rogue Iraqi soldiers attacking them! Let's get something straight, US troops already trained and advised Iraqi troops but when they saw ISIS coming at them they cut and ran. IT is illogical to send our troops back to train these people again when we know they will cut and run again!
None of this would have happened if Darth Hussein would have listened to his military advisors who warned a total withdrawal of US troops was a bad idea. All he had to do was leave a contingency force of 15-20K troops to deter any terror group uprisings. Instead he Hussein did what he wanted to do leaving the door wide open for ISIS to rise to power. We know obola is doing this to protect his billion dollar
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