Friday, November 7, 2014

MSDNC's Touréttes Gives Obama a "Red Line" to Pass Amnesty

"..if progressives matter at all he [obama] is going to have to grab a pen and do executive action on immigration reform.." This idiot needs to come out of the closet and admit he and all progressives are in fact communists. Touréttes wants and calls for obama to act like a dictator now that the people removed the democrats from power. He dismisses the fact that the people have spoken having enough of this man thinking he is a king. Touréttes and all the progs love to use polls as their justification to usurp the law. Who wants to bet these polls on immigration are based on just few hundred or thousand people just like the gun control poll they all love to use that is totally biased?!

Progressives are ll constantly stating that immigrants will strengthen the economy yet not one of them has expanded on that talking point. They know if they say it long enough it will be a fact and there is nothing to support his claims if illegals are granted amnesty they will contribute to the US. They have and will continue to send their money back to their countries of origin. Legalizing them is not going to send the DOW to 20,000 and unemployment to 3%, it's physically impossible. Pay attention to the language he uses toward the end of this rant, he is humanizing illegals setting the stage for them to be treated as refugees.. just as I warned!

Again this obamarhoid missed the memo from Tuesday that the people have had enough of the lies and misinformation. He needs to just admit he like all proglodytes wants illegals legalized so the communists will have a new pool of permanent voters. Touréttes they are NOT undocumented workers, they are illegal aliens, but if you insist on ID'ing them as undocumented then call them what they are undocumented democratic voters!

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