Friday, November 7, 2014

Propaganda Minister Unequivocally Says Obama Will Act on Executive Amnesty Before Years End

"...the question before the president is he going to do something that is within his legal authority, that is also within the clear best interests of the American people and our economy? The answer to that question is yes. ... He's going to take that executive action before the end of the year.."

You have to love the ultimatum the republicans have been given by the imperial emperor and his Propaganda Minister that if they pass the Senates immigration bill (as much a nightmare as obamacare) his majesty won’t wave his magic pen on amnesty.

"...there's one thing they [republicans] can do to prevent the president from taking executive action. The thing that they can do is that they can allow that common sense bipartisan bill from the Senate to come to the floor of the House of Representatives. And if the House passes that Senate bill the president won't take executive action."

This is his way & plans going forward to working in a bipartisan way with the GOP. Pass what he wants or he will do it himself!

The new republican party won’t even be sworn in until next year yet they are being given ultimatums right now as if they have majority power now! Where is it written the republicans have to work with obama now that he and the democrats lost the election? They showed no desire over the last 6 years to want to work with the republicans. As a matter of fact his majesty arrogantly stated in a press conference that if they don't like what’s going on they should go win an election!

There is absolutely nothing for the American people to gain from illegal aliens being legalized. Those here are not the best and brightest from their native countries. The majority of illegal aliens in the US are here for free stuff, taking jobs from Americans where they send a good portion of their pay back to their native countries. They contribute nothing to the country, they don’t pay taxes or into the Social Security system, REFUSE to assimilate into our culture having zero respect for Americans.

There are NO economic benefits in legalizing 3-5 even 11 million illegal aliens. There are over 100 million Americans to of work and to this day not one person from the imperial regime has explained how amnesty will benefit the millions of unemployed Americans [like myself!].

All Darth Hussein wants to do is hit back at both parties and punish the American people for going against him. His only desire to legalize millions of aliens is to create a new voting class since the people are wise to what is going on. This man is truly dangerous (FYI he is now wheeling and dealing with Iran) and just think we still have 2 more years of him!

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