Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sen Sessions Slams Obama: Decimating Law Enforcement

Here is the problem right now boys and girls the new Congress doesn’t get sworn in until next year. Reid and the radicals have over a month to ram through anything they want OR provide protection for Darth Hussein in any of his executive actions.

Now as Sen Sessions explains the GOP is planning to use the power of the purse to block executive amnesty but who said the emperor will grant amnesty? We use that word in generality to describe what he is doing, but you know obama is looking for legal means, loophole(s), to bypass Congress that will prevent them from stopping him.

For months Darth Hussein and the dems have been treating illegals crossing the border as a humanitarian issue. They are humanizing illegal immigration to appeal to uninformed Americans to see past our laws being broken, changing the narrative to make anything he does justifiable. They want people to see these illegals as people just like your family, friends, neighbors etc who are escaping turmoil and violence. The progressives want you to believe illegals coming into the US for free stuff are no different from those escaping dictatorships and murderous regimes that they are just like Cuban or North Korean refugees. That said it is plausible the emperor will reclassify illegals as refugees and grant them asylum! We know this to be true because illegals have already been giving border patrol officers scripted answers when they surrender that they are escaping war or economic turmoil.

Obama is going to move on this because he is vindictive. Granting asylum or whatever he cooks up will be his way of getting back at the republicans, democrats that abandoned him and the American people who voted against him! As I warned he will be unleashed doing whatever he wants.

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