Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Obama Calls for Reinstatement of Assault Weapons Ban to Stop Terrorism

"Reinstate the assault weapons ban. Make it harder for terrorists to use these weapons to kill us."

This fool doesn't seem to understand terrorists and criminals DON'T FOLLOW THE LAW.

Newsflash Barry it's against the law to kill people but they're still doing it! This man couldn't careless about your safety and this nations security. He and the democrat party only "care" because this terror attack and other events give them the political capital they need to advance their radical destructive agenda. They want the body count to justify the power grabs. How do we know this? 8000 Americans are on an ISIS kill list. The govt REFUSES to release the names (bankers, teachers, outspoken avg John and Jane Doe's) on the list because it might cause a panic! If you call the FBI/ DOJ and ask am I on the list they won't tell you! If he is so concerned with our safety and wanting to make things harder for ISIS why is he protecting them by not warning 8000+ Americans!? This threat alone is the very reason why we have the Second Amendment.

We have a right to self-defense/preservation anyone talking about restricting it is an enemy to the Republic and frankly calling for more gun restrictions is a death sentence in this day and age! This govt cannot protect you, no one can. Understand this guns could be banned today its not going to matter to terrorists and criminals because they will go to the same black market they're going to now to buy a gun! Yes some of the attacks and mass shootings the killers bought the guns legally... because they can. Because they didn't have a record, or warning signs were ignored. The system works its the people behind the system a that are dropping the ball. If anything the FBI is responsible for the Orlando attack and I'm pretty confident in other tragedies there is legit finger pointing too.

As for that "no-fly" list, obama uses as an excuse for another power grab, why are so many on the list and not being prosecuted? I'll tell you why, because it's a disaster. Congressmen, civilians, elderly and children have mistakenly been put on the list where they have to jump through hoops of fire to get removed. Meanwhile guys like Omar Mateen are watched for 2 years and allowed to walk but it's still the gun, NRA, conservatives, TEA Party etc fault.

We are going into the fight of our lives America. Progressives see the trophy at the finish line they've been working toward for over 100 years. They're going to get it because you're too busy with work, kids, the game and shopping to get active. Where are the marches, protests, sit-ins, the recall elections to get these destroyers of the Republic out of power? Blame yourselves when you lose more of your rights.

FYI when #2A is gone all the other rights go too.

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