Wednesday, December 30, 2015

House Democrats Introduce Assault Weapons Ban Bill

To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes." HR 4269

America did you really think the assault on the Second Amendment was over after Sen Feinstein's AWB ban was stopped? It is amazing how the Founders have been praised on their genius with the Constitution yet were completely stupid when they wrote the Second Amendment! It means exactly what it says, read the Founders words, they were abundantly clear they wanted the people aka militia (yes dems they considered the people militia) armed to stop what democrats are doing and have been doing to this nation. Democrats aren't very smart, apparently they cannot comprehend what "... shall not be infringed" means, so I propose a better solution to have it out once and for all. Instead of these small bills to chip away at the Second Amendment democrats need to propose the repeal of the Second Amendment.

If you take the time to go through the bill you will see the list of manufacturers but also the "furniture" that goes on these weapons as cause for the ban. Dems know they lost the fight in the past because of videos like this...

...that tell the truth that about semi-automatics do not function like automatics, so now they just want an outright ban.

So let's have the debate and vote once and for all since democrats are so confident they are acting in our best interest to abolish these machines that have no heart, brain or soul! Otherwise democrats/ progressives will never stop with these hit and run bills until they get their way like they always do. Dems wanted 10 day waiting periods, they got them. Dems wanted magazine capacity restrictions, they got them. They wanted background checks, they got them (regardless of their lies checks aren't done, DOJ reports prove otherwise with record numbers of checks). Dems wanted Gun Free Zones, they got them.

Agree or not, like it or not democrats have gotten their way when it comes to gun control. Oh sure they'll whine and complain, because this bill and that bill have been stopped but look at how far they have gotten. Look at the thousands of laws on the books that restrict law abiding gun owners and have done nothing to stop criminals and mentally ill who are responsible for the majority of mass killings. Now we have terrorists taking a page from these monsters knowing democrats first response to an act of terrorism is to punish Americans by restricting if not taking away our rights. Fact of the matter is democrats/ progressives will never be happy until the American people are disarmed. Democrats it is time to have the discussion, debate and vote. Stop hiding from it, stop playing games propose the repeal of the Second Amendment!

This may be a bluff to keep eyes of obama's coming executive orders on gun control so be prepared for a major gun rights fight in 2016. The ramifications of this coming election are bigger than you think!

Happy New Year!

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