Monday, December 21, 2015

Sen Sessions Sets Record Straight: Cruz Was on My Side to Defeat Gang of Eight's Amnesty Bill

It seems no matter what is said the crap media (esp Fox News) continues to run with Marco Rubio's lies that Ted Cruz was in favor of legalizing those granted amnesty. Cruz's amendment to the Rubio/Schumer/OBAMA Gang of Eight bill granted amnesty BUT TOOK AWAY CITIZENSHIP. In other words illegal aliens would be allowed to stay in the US, coming out of the shadows, BUT WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE!

LISTEN to Sen Sessions, who is one of if not the biggest opponents to amnesty, set the record straight unlike the lies being told by all of the media.

If the Cruz amendment is as Marco claims then why did the bill fail? Why wasn't amnesty passed if he was for it? Surely if Cruz was in favor of amnesty having the support of Sen Jeff Sessions and Rep Steve king (both huge opponents to amnesty) the GOP should have joined in and passed Marco Rubio's AMNESTY BILL!

Gang of Eight wanted to pass amnesty
Marco Rubio was on the Gang of Eight
Ted Cruz WAS NOT on the Gang of Eight
Marco Rubio WANTS illegal aliens granted AMNESTY with full rights and privileges.

Rubio is using Alinsky 101 in his attacks against Cruz that the media has willfully piled on. Rubio is deflecting his participation in the Gang of Eight to hide the fact he wants to grant amnesty to 11-20 million illegal aliens who would become a new voting block for the democrat party (AND progressive R's). Ted Cruz introduced an amendment calling Rubio and co's bluff, the bill failed. This is all people need to know before they walk into the voting booth. Oh and that Marco Rubio is lying backstabbing progressive tool, who rarely shows up for Senate votes including the Omnibus Spending Bill which he said should be opposed using "every procedural aspect that we have to slow it down and perhaps force some changes”.

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