Monday, April 25, 2016

Ben Carson: Denying Trump Nomination Would 'Shatter' the GOP

Whether we like it or not the rules are the rules AND the RNC is a private party/ group that is not bound by any govt entity or the US Constitution. Don't like it then become a delegate and change them OR do as I have been calling for get a third party going... but not now its too late. Trump, Cruz or Kasich has to get to 1237 delegates before the convention to be named the nominee. The nomination has not been won by anyone, it is not anyone's as of now to lose because NONE of them including those who SUSPENDED their campaigns have enough delegates.

Dr Carson is wrong because he assumes the nomination is already Trumps, it is not as he only has 845 delegates. Carson is correct denying Trump OR Cruz the nomination would shatter the GOP if they attempt to screw them by putting in another candidate. If neither of them walk out of the convention the nominee all bets are off, prepare for SHTF!

Know this, whatever happens this Nov the GOP is over.

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