Tuesday, April 26, 2016

State Dept Admits US Hasn't Told Central America to Stop Flying Illegal Aliens Close to US Border

Sen Rubio questioned State Dept official Francisco Palmieri over the airlifting of illegal aliens (native and others ex Cubans) from Central America (Costa Rica, Ecuador & Panama) to northern Mexico who then cross over into the US during a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee. Palmieri said the US is "encouraging" Central American countries not to airlift illegals, enforce their laws but has not told them to stop!

Is anyone surprised to hear this? The obama regime has more or less announced to the world the front door to America is wide open, come on in and everything is free! We're on our way to becoming a third world nation since its clear our govt is a Banana Republic.

Nice to see Mexico is enforcing their strict immigration law, they probably don't care knowing these illegals from all over are just passing through to set up camp in the US at the expense of US taxpayers.

ht CNS

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