Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Don't Fall For Progressives Conflating Syrian and Iraqi Kurds to Start Another War

Progressives (DC as a whole, media & pundits) are up in arms over Pres Trump's directive to pull US troops out of northern Syria that has opened the door for Turkey to launch punishing attacks against the PKK Kurds. Those who have condemned past Presidents over never-ending wars apparently want the US involved in a turf war that does not serve American taxpayer interests.

The point of this post is not to debate geopolitics or make a case for or against what's going on in the middle east. You are being lied to by people who want to get this country into another war. They claim Trump has abandoned our allies, Syrian PKK Kurds, but what you don't understand is theses Kurds are not the saints the Progressives are making them out to be.

Sen Rand Paul gave an excellent short explanation as to who the players are in this Syrian conflict, you would be wise using in debate and sharing out...

Jason Buttrill is a retired Marine and intel analyst who has served in the middle east gives a more in-depth, first person account of the Kurds, where you will see you are being played by the fools on tv, and in DC...

What was going on between the US and these groups is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" when it comes to dealing with ISIS, but these Syrian Kurds, PKK aka Kurdish Workers Party, are marxist/ socialists some will argue communists, who were designated a terrorist organization (not transnational) in 1997 over their action against Turkey!

The Iraqi Kurds are Christians, freedom fighters and allies of America and Turkey!

Progressives who want more war do not make this distinction, leaving the uninformed to believe Pres Trump cut our allies loose, leaving them for dead. It's not true and every single bobblehead on tv, including Fox News, ranting about the "Kurds" being wiped out by Turkey is deceiving the American people by not having experts like Butrill on air to spell things out. This is why you have to do your homework on any issue, do not listen to the people who are looking to start a fight for ulterior motive$.

As painful as it is Pres Trump is doing what he said he would do, what voters wanted which is an end to these senseless wars that do nothing for America's interests. If the world body wants us to be the police then they better start paying up.

Those armchair generals calling for US action in Syria, YOU DO IT. This is not our fight, there is no reason for American blood to be shed for someone else's problem. If you feel that strongly that the US needs to be involved in a regional war pick up a weapon and do it yourselves.

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