Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pelosi Blinks - No Full House Vote Authorizing Impeachment Inquiry

Once again team Trump wins against the seditious democrat party as House SPOKESWOMAN Nancy Pelosi announced there will be no full House vote authorizing an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. She "blinked" after having her bluff called via a defiant letter from the White House declaring there would be no cooperation unless a vote is held...

It's pretty obvious why she had to make this statement. Adam Schiff is beyond corrupt, has done a PISS POOR job manufacturing evidence and creating witnesses to go after POTUS, while holding Kangaroo Court style hearings in secrecy. Second Pelosi knows they don't have the votes and is fearful of putting anyone on official record not to mention it would give the GOP minority subpoena power and the ability to finally cross examine dems "witnesses".

No word yet from House Speaker AOC, although she recently stated she is over it.

(It's so insulting to hear these destroyers of the rule of law talk about the Constitution and how they want to "honor" it. If given the opportunity they would gladly pour gasoline and drop a match on the Constitution)

You lose dems and will keep losing because Pres Trump hasn't done anything wrong. But go right ahead attacking him, holding your corrupt hearings in the basement of the Capitol right into 2020, so voters will have a clear choice to make in 385 days!

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