Monday, October 14, 2019

Steyer: If Republicans Win in 2020 The World Might End

Tom Steyer was doing his share of fearmongering about the 2020 election, but for a brief second he also told the truth in this clip.

Let's pull apart what Mr Impeach Trump said here:
"We are in the fight of our lives." TRUE
"Everything is on the table in 2020, they [GOP] think so too" TRUE
"because they think if they lose in 2020 that there they're.. gonna have.. the rules are gonna be fair" FALSE.

The GOP, hell sane Americans, are concerned if the democrats get super-majority power again they WILL CHANGE the rules where as Steyer continues "they're never gonna win again" TRUE.
"they're right. If we win in 2020 they're done forever" TRUE
How do we know this theory to be true? Look at the democrat party's testing grounds - California:

The state has moved to deep blue, and with every election win for the dems it means more power, control and wealth for the them, less for the people. The state is now under permanent one party rule. Here is a perfect example as to how bad it has gotten there, because the democrats run the state they changed the election rules where the primary elections are now set so the two candidates with the most votes get on the general election ballot. Got it? Read it again. That means if you have 4 people running 2 repub, 2 dem and the dem candidates get the most votes you will have 2 democrats running for a Senate seat for example. This is how we got Kamala Harris in the Senate when Barbara Boxer retired, her opponent was also a democrat on the ballot that voters.. republican and independent voters along, with dems, got to choose between. In other words repubs and indeps had no choice, no voice, no candidate to represent them.

If you don't think the democrats won't apply these types of tactics to the federal elections coast-to-coast, when they have worked so effectively in CA, you're delirious. They will change the rules so only dem candidates can win.

Steyer concludes, "But it's scary for us too, because if they win, literally it could be the end of the world." FALSE

The last 3 years under Pres Trump are proof the GOP's policies are far better for American's best interests. Steyer is a master fearmongerer pushing climate change nonsense, and American last policies. The US and the world is better off right now. If dems get into power you will see policies get enacted that will dwarf what obama did during the 2 years the dems held a super-majority.

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