Monday, February 8, 2021

Hogg IS NOT Inventing His Own Pillow to Compete With MyPillow

David Hogg is a 100% bona fide grifter and fraud. This kid looks for issues to stick his nose in, ever since the Parkland attack HE WAS NOT at. He left the school and then came back running to all the cameras and the rest is history. After the Left went crazy over MyPillow's Mike Lindell still putting a fight up for Pres Trump, this little kid, this definition of a Tool of the unhinged violent Left, took to Twitter that he was going to come up with his own pillow! But he isn't sitting in his room, garage or some office doing R&D developing his own innovative pillow fill as Lindell did to compete with MyPillow. No, no the PUNK is looking for a US based, UNIONIZED, pillow manufacturer to use their products, their factory, their creativity to attempt to steal Lindell's market share! What the little commie is actually doing is called "White Labeling", where a manufacturer produces a product(s) for others to sell with their name on it (branding). This is what the Kardashian/Jenner klan does: Ex - Kylie Jenner who was considered a billionaire did not sit in her kitchen, garage, office or lab coming up with her cosmetic line. Nor did she do all the foot work for building an actual factory for her line, designing the packaging, establishing supply chain etc etc. Seed Beauty does all the legwork including packaging, that Jenner and her sisters will test out, give input and suggestions to the final product they'll put their names to. Hogg is doing the same thing. He is not inventing/creating a new pillow fill to compete with Lindell. He is going to get samples, from a manufacturer, more than likely reverse engineer MyPillow to come up with "Commie Pillow". Do Not for one second think this kid, who is working with William Legate (see already he has to get someone else involved because he can't do it) is getting all these other people to serve as his advisors (being the right skin color and sexual orientation but have no legit qualifications), is creating anything from scratch, he's not. Hogg thinks he is so special that when the product is finished and ready for market people will want it. Last time ANYONE checked he doesn't have a following like the Kardashian's/Jenner's to make his product a household name, yet he acts like he is important and famous, has a brand that he can stick his name on to create a billion dollar company! Let's have a pillow war, where there is probably 75-85M people who will buy Lindell's products over some crazed unhinged gun grabbing tool. This kid needs to be put in his place, once and for all.

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