Monday, February 8, 2021

Tampa Mayor Who Didn't Wear Mask At Super Bowl Threatens Maskless Fans!

  Tampa, Fl mayor/TYRANT Jane Castor told the press they are going to identify maskless Super Bowl fans to hold them accountable for not following covid safety guidelines. Castor conveniently left out how she herself was maskless during the game, but we can all be sure she will have an excuse, because progressives always have an excuse. Any cop who enforces this monsters directive is an enemy of the Republic and a BAD cop. Support the Blue DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU! And SHAME on anyone who voted for this monster, and all the other progressive monsters who have been abusing their power over covid in this country. You all are getting exactly what you deserve for sitting idly by. The Left would never take this from the Right, but you all go ahead "not stooping to their level" because it's worked out so well....

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