Monday, September 26, 2016

Press Sec Says Obama Won't Rule Out More Executive Action on Gun Control

Responding to a reporter's question whether the regime will take any further action on gun violence Propaganda Minister, Josh Earnest, said they will not rule it out. With only a few months left the obama regime is waiting for the right opportunity to enact dictatorial powers executive authority to stop gun violence if Congress will not act.

Aren't month after month record gun sales not a clear message how the American people feel? Backgrounds checks are conducted, this excuse they use about a gun show loophole are a pack of lies. You cannot walk into a gun show and buy a gun from a dealer without being run through the DOJ; mind you the NRA is responsible for this making this happen. If the regime gets its way those who engage in private sales will have to go through an FFL. That means if you want to give or sell a weapon to a family member, close friend or neighbor a background check will have to be conducted! Earnest and company will continually push misinformation, lies about polls and stats. Fact remains majority of gun violence is committed by individuals who are prohibited by law to possess a weapon (criminals don't follow the law). Weapons used many times are stolen or obtained through illegal activities but more importantly the American people have spoken we do not want out Second Amendment rights touched.

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