Monday, February 29, 2016

Liberal Media Coming to Trumps Defense Should Be Red Flag to GOP Voters

Here we have Chris "Tingles" Matthews attacking Ted Cruz pulling the McCarthyism card because Cruz questions Trump's tax situation(suggesting potential mob ties). Why is the liberal media coming to Trump's, a GOP candidate, defense?!

Trump supporters for a min consider this... does it make any sense to you the liberal left defends Trump? Since when has it been a good thing when libs are picking GOP candidates? They want a candidate who is closest to their views. They want a GOP candidate they think will be easy to beat against whomever they nominate, its not the other way around. In a sane world this would normally be a huge red flag!

You've heard some of the things coming out against Trump from die-hard conservatives who are rightfully vetting him that upset you. That's right now from what's been discovered so far, God only knows what the left is sitting on.

Case in point, there is an alleged off-the-record recording the New York Times is in possession of on Trumps immigration stance. YOU KNOW there is no love lost between Trump and the NYT who he trashes A LOT. Why would they sit on this audio unless they are waiting for him to get the nomination and then join the rest of the liberal media to destroy him. Do you really want to say/ refer to Pres Clinton for the next 4 years?! Do you have any idea the hell that will come from her radical regime?

Come on Trump supporters get out of this spell he has you under. When you have hardcore progressive radicals like Chris Matthews coming to Trump's defense you should be running to the hills from him as fast as you can!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Obama: ISIL Not a Caliphate, But a Crime Ring

What crime ring has conquered the amount of territory as the ISIL death cult? What crime ring has created so much havoc entire regions of people are running for the hills "migrating" (invading) other countries?! What crime ring brazenly goes out in public square to execute people on film as onlookers stand idly-bye screaming chants in support? What crime ring captures military installations and airbases?

Sorry Barry I don't remember anyone from The Five Families (Genovese, Gambino etc), or large gangs like the Crypts or Bloods etc having this much power attacking their enemies on a global scale EVER!

Obama continues to downplay the threat of ISIS, he trivializes a creation of his and Clinton's foreign policy wanting to treat them like some corner street thugs. That's right Clinton played a role in these SOB's too with the mess she made as Sec of State in the middle east!

Watch your six because every single time obama trivializes this death cult they launch an attack!

(FYI obama calls them ISIL, "L"=Levant which would include Israel in their end goal of captured territories in the middle east.)

Disgraceful, Sen Lindsey Graham Jokes About Killing Ted Cruz

There is nothing funny or amusing about Lindsey Graham saying Ted Cruz could be killed on the Senate floor and no one would be convicted if tried in the Senate. I find it disgraceful for those attending Washington Press Club Foundation Congressional Dinner to laugh and applaud, roast or not. Talking about killing people for having a difference of opinion is not funny. Probably a stretch here but IMO Graham was running with idea Trump has planted that "nobody likes Ted" so what the heck let's joke about killing.

Keep in mind Trump is the one who has doubled down he could kill people and would maintain support. The same guy Graham points out would use the guillotine on Speaker Ryan! We do not need "leaders" using this type of language. Graham is right the GOP has gone batshit crazy and he's right in front!

America pray you don't see the day when blows are thrown on the floor of the US Senate or House. Last time that happened we had a civil war and 500,000 DIED!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Trump: I Hired Foreigners to Do Jobs Americans Wouldn't Do

This excuse Trump is using is the same exact excuse LIBERALS use to justify amnesty and the flood of illegals who come into the US. Libs LIE and claim Americans don't want to take the jobs that are available. This is not true Americans cannot compete with individuals who are willing to work for and driving wages down.

These people live in packs and share all living expenses so they can afford to work for a lower wage. Sure sure they do all the paperwork because illegals can get any document they need for a job. I worked in lending I know this for a fact don't even try to debate me on this issue.

Expert to Sessions: Gang of 8 H-1B Provisions Would Have Made It ‘Much Worse For American Workers’

Lets be abundantly clear boys and girls this is about MARCO RUBIO'S Gang of 8 bill! As Sessions points out La Raza, Chamber of Commerce etc were all on board with this bill that Marco TOOK A LEAD IN! Had this bill not been stopped by the poison pill amendment none of the info that continues to come out would have been known until it was too late like obamacare.

Now you can see why Marco Rubio is not doing well in Florida polls. He has been caught repeatedly lying and from the likes of it would have screwed American workers over!

Mark Levin Exposes Rubio’s Lies: He's a Front Man For Amnesty

"Talk about lies! You [Rubio] LIED to get elected to the Senate. You LIE about what you did with the Gang of 8. You LIED to the Border Patrol and the sheriffs. You LIED about your votes on the amendments. And you're running around calling Cruz a liar!"

The Great One has been on fire the last couple weeks as tensions rise during this primary race. With Rubio and Trump carrying on like little babies saying Cruz is a liar when he points out their records Levin has clearly had enough.

Levin has tried to be civil and fair to all parties but he is upset how no one in the media is reporting the whole story on Marco's role with amnesty and is now exposing his lies. He takes many shots at Trump too, but Levin is angry with Marco because he helped him get elected and the favor has been returned with lies to all of us, especially FL voters. This clip is just a fraction of how bad Mark has been hitting the little lying SOB.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Morning Joe: Rubio 'Sucking Up' to Trump to Be His VP Pick

This is one of the very rare few times I will been agreement with anyone from MSDNC! Everything the Morning Joe crew is saying here about Marco Rubio is true IMO. There is no doubt in my mind Marco is shooting for a VP slot in a Trump regime. Trump is/was for amnesty IF the border is secure, Marco is HUGE on amnesty regardless what he is lying about yesterday, today or a week from now!

Rubio going for VP slot is why, Trump supporters, you are not seeing Trump attack Marco as viciously as he has attacked other candidates. If anything Trump's surrogates, like Ann Coulter, are the ones who are really savaging Marco on his lies about immigration and other positions.

There is a theory that Trump and Marco are working "together" to take Cruz out because Trump thinks Marco will be easy to beat once Ted is out of the way, meanwhile Rubio thinks he can win(even though he has yet to win a race). This is all speculation, but you cannot deny the fact Trump has always savaged #2 candidate but not this time around! WHY? Well if this theory is true he doesn't want to beat his running mate up too bad that would scare off supporters. True or not you have to admit it makes a lot of sense.

Trump Loves to Brag About Himself So Wheres the $6 Million He Raised For Vets?

Fact: Donald Trump loves to talk about himself whether its polls, ratings, projects, his money and other accomplishments. He loves to get in front of cameras and tell us all how great he is.

If you recall Trump passed appearing on Fox News' GOP debate, instead he held a fundraiser for veterans. He bragged and bragged about it making everyone know about the event where he and his donors raised $6 million for our veterans, but ever then since he hasn't said a word!?

Again let me remind you this is the same guy who loves being in front of cameras, calling into shows, Tweeting out daily telling us all how GREAAT he is. Why has Trump gone dark about this money he and his donors raised for our veterans?

You would think based on his record he would be all over the place bragging about what he did with the money. Trump would be standing side by side with veterans and heads of the 22 veteran groups (list below) selected to be recipients for pictures and video of said donations but there's nothing!? Remember this is the same Trump who has brought outspoken fans and supporters, who handled protesters, up on stage with him at rallies but to this day not a word is said about the $6 million he raised?! Not one appearance on Fox, MSNBC, CNN, CBS etc or a mention at the countless number of rallies he has held. I mean the headlines, videos and pictures should be all over the net right now, yet there's nothing there but vids of the event.

Wheres the money Donald? Show us the money or are you too busy keeping it under The Donald J Trump Foundation earning you a ton of interest first before you give it to our vets you used as political pawns!?


To the organizations listed below, have you received money from the Trump fundraiser?

American Hero Adventures in Eugene, OR
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable Service Trust in Cold Spring, KY
Fisher House Foundation in Rockville, MD
Folds of Honor in Owasso, Oklahoma
Homes for our Troops in Taunton, MA
America's Warriors in El Reno, OK
Hope for the Warriors in Annandale, VA
K9 for Warriors in Ponte Vedra, FL
Liberty House in Manchester, NH
Mulberry Street Veterans Shelter in Des Moines, IA
Seal Foundation in Virginia Beach, VA
Operation Homefront in Quincy, MA
Partners for Patriots in Liberty, TN
Projects for Patriots in Sioux City, IA
Puppy Jake in Des Moines, IA
Racing for Heroes in Mill Hall, PA
Support Siouxland Soldiers in Sioux City, IA
Task Force Dagger Foundation in McKinney, TX
The Green Beret Foundation in San Antonio, TX
Veterans Airlift Command in St. Louis Park, MN
Warriors for Freedom in Stillwater, OK
22Kill in Dallas, TX

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sen Sessions: 97% of Unaccompanied Illegal Alien Minors Evade Deportation Through Admin Lawlessness

The biggest problem with the border is not the lack of a wall... is it this administration ordering Border Patrol and ICE to stand down. It has gotten so bad it is to a point now where illegals are not evading but going to agents because they know they won't be sent home, especially minors from Central America. They don't show up for court because they know no one is going to come looking for them, again because of this administration.

BTW anyone realize Mexico with its great immigration policy is NOT enforcing it because all these illegals are just passing through to come into the US!? Didn't think of that way did you? This is just one example demonstrating Mexican govt is NOT a friend to America and playing a hand in compromising our sovereignty! That is another failure on the part of this lawless administration.

The obama regime has been ringing the amnesty bell for years and while we're all distracted with Clinton's recent scandal, Trump and Rubio calling everyone a liar when their record and words are cited the border remains WIDE OPEN unenforced no thanks to barack obama!

For those of you in LE and govt fyi, last time I checked it is a felony punishable to 10 years in FEDERAL prison for aiding and abetting illegal aliens...(hint hint to readers to do your homework as I did to know this!). DO YOUR DAMN JOB if you get into trouble go public the people will back you!

Trump Caught on Hot Mic "Nothing Too Hard Mika" at MSNBC Town Hall

Ever wonder why Trump is getting softball interviews, never really grilled on HOW he will do all the things he is promising as president? Sorry the 8pm'r doesn't ride him regardless what you think and many times he gives vague answers straying away from the initial question. Well wonder no more after he was caught on hot mic telling Mika Brzezinski "nothing too hard Mika" during a MSNBC town hall a few days ago.

What other networks are taking orders from Trump behind the scenes? This is what he does at MSNBC, can't even imagine what he dictates to FoxNews, his un-official propaganda network!

Let me guess this is all fabricated, more Cruz lies right? You know those of you who will attack the vetting of Trump are the same people who bitched obama wasn't properly vetted. You can't have it both ways folks.

The truth is going to come out about this guy whether you like it or not. And you all are a pack of fools to think if he gets the nomination the media isn't going to pull the knives out to destroy him. They're waiting to hit him and hit him hard when/ if he gets the nomination to guarantee a dem win in 2016 ! You see it doesn't make sense for the crap media to take him out now because they'd still have to worry about Cruz, Rubio or whomever would get the nomination that doesn't have a record unfavorable rating who can beat Hillary. No they have been propping him up manipulating the uninformed class to get the nod and then they will destroy him. 

That's not tinfoil hat conspiracy folks that's how the left now works. If you still have a shred of doubt ask yourself: since when is it a good thing for the leftist media to praise and support a GOP candidate!? They want the candidate they know they can be beat!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sen Joe Biden '92: NO Election Year SCOTUS Nominations or Senate Hearings

Oh dems how you must hate your own words are being dug up to prove you define hypocrite! You can whine and complain all you want about your messiah appointing a successor to Scalia but there is NOTING in the US Constitution that compels the Senate to confirm said nominee.

Let's be honest democrats were all doing a happy dance the moment Scalia's death was announced so they could have a radical progressive appointed by the communist in chief.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Trump Was For Amnesty Before He Was Against It

Waaaayyy back in ancient times of 2013 Trump tweeted out he was in favor of amnesty as long as the border was secure and immigration stopped.


That is a complete 180° from the rhetoric we hear from Trump now...

This guy is all over the place with his positions. By the way what he is suggesting now to deport 11 million illegals and then let them back in through some "great bog door" is what we call touchback amnesty! If this was any other candidate Trump, his followers and the media, that is protecting him (for now), would be screaming bloody murder! Regardless of how he contradicts himself daily his supporters continue to back him clearly proving he could stand in the middle of the 5th Avenue and shoot someone!

And no Trump supporters this is not an attack. This is called vetting the candidate, something the majority of you were screaming about that wasn't being done to obama now people are doing it to Trump and you're PO'd! Seriously!?

Friday, February 19, 2016

Mark Levin Warns Republican Establishment Plotting to Prevent Trump or Cruz From Getting Nomination

We are going to get screwed again by the same clowns who forced McCain and Romney on us! This is a very important clip everyone needs to hear and share as Mark Levin accurately lays out how the elitists in DC are plotting for a convention takeover if things remain status quo with no clear primary winner before July!

In this insane world we live in it is not far-fetched to believe the GOPe would stoop to such a low to select who they want to run for POTUS in a brokered convention. Trump is attacking everyone, mainly Cruz, so while they beat each other up the other candidates who don't really have a chance are staying in the race in the hopes they will get selected. Right now if all six stay in the race no one will win enough delegates to win the nomination which will result in a brokered convention as Levin explains.

Ben Carson, John Kasich and Jeb Bush need to get out after the South Carolina Primary... the lying Marco Rubio needs to go too! This country deserves to see real debates solely between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. As long as the bottom feeders stay in the race We the People are denied seeing said debate to make a rational clear choice. Because of the bottom feeders selfishness, sorry that is what it is, this plot Levin warns about becomes highly plausible with a candidate NO ONE will want except the elites.

FYI if you haven't heard Levin is launching his own TV show, LevinTv, to offer a voice for conservatism that is lacking in the media, including Fox which has gone full center left!

Trump on Obamacare: "I Like the Mandate"

Trumps words from his mouth yet how many of his supporters will stay in denial and make countless excuses JUST LIKE obama's supporters did?! Now what does this say about his opinion on SCOTUS appointments? Wasn't he attacking Cruz and Bush over Chief Justice John Roberts? Yet here he is saying he likes what Roberts did!

It's not surprising Trump is for the obamacare mandate because he is on record saying he wants universal healthcare going as far to say he may lose some votes having this position! Just like obama he masterfully justifies single payer, that is what he is proposing which the "government would pay for", because it's called having a "heart"! If the free market was truly set loose with no barriers, competition would be fierce driving costs down where everyone would be able to afford healthcare.

This guy is bad for America, he is not what he appears to be. People would realize that if they would just LISTEN and comprehend what he is [not] saying! The media has dirt on him and they are waiting until he gets the GOP nomination to absolutely DESTROY HIM... BANK ON IT! If any other GOP candidate was being put on a pedestal by the media people would run as as far away as possible but for some unknown reason these red flags are being ignored.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Press Sec Dodges Reporters Question if Obama Will Go Golfing During Scalia Funeral

Since Darth Hussein™ won't be attending Justice Scalia's funeral a reporter had to ask if his majesty would be golfing instead. Not surprising Josh [dis]Earnest dodged the question during this long winded babble of an answer.

Earnest also stated that Biden would be going to the funeral since greater security measures are needed when obama makes an appearance. Curious how vast of an advance team is deployed for his majesty to play a round of golf? Are we to believe protecting potus on golf course is easier than at a church? This administration is beyond disrespectful and just disgusting...

NO, Glenn Beck NEVER Said God Killed Scalia So Cruz Could Get Elected

For the last 24 hours I've watched how countless sites ran with the headline that Glenn Beck said God killed Justice Scalia so Ted Cruz could get elected. Some even suggested Beck used a "godly voice" when he made the alleged comment on his radio show... IT NEVER HAPPENED! Also take note NONE of those sites you probably shared the headline out have it in quotes!

Heres the entire clip in its entirety... LISTEN FOR ONCE!

What we have here boys and girls is a pile on by a bunch of HACK sites, from leftist & right-wing blogs to even CNN...

NO, Glenn Beck NEVER Said God Killed Scalia So Cruz Could Get Elected 1

NO, Glenn Beck NEVER Said God Killed Scalia So Cruz Could Get Elected 2

Yea I called many of you hack sites, because NO ONE took the time to actually LISTEN to what Beck said. Instead some leftist site made the charge and everyone ran with it in the hopes to out do each other. Why?

We are a society that reacts off of 140 characters. I've seen it more times than I care to remember from even my own posts where people react off the headline PROVING they never watched, listened or read what I posted. The only interest the countless number of sites who ran with this bogus charge did it because they need hits to their site. It's all about generating traffic, to hell with the truth anymore. I want traffic to STR too but I will not sacrifice integrity, principles and values I've been fighting for to get a few hits. Because of that integrity I don't get much traffic because apparently being truthful and honest isn't popular anymore. (Let's see you post this Drudge!)

I'm not going to spend a lot of time on what Beck said other than to say Scalia's death SHOULD BE a wake up call for everyone, this election is not a game. (Some sites in their defense did make this point.) We need someone elected to POTUS that respects and understands the Constitution, who will be choosing the next 2-3 Supreme Court Justices because they will decide the fate of our rights over the next 30 years. Myself, Beck, Mark Levin many of you etc have all said we are one vote away from losing our fundamental rights. District of Columbia v. Heller was a 5-4 decision in favor of gun rights... we just lost that 5th vote America! If the wrong guy/ gal gets elected they could appoint Justices who will vote 4-5 to take away our 1st, 2nd, 4th Amendment etc rights away.

Please stop reacting off headlines. Please read, listen, watch AND VERIFY it all before you post comments and share it out! Please WAKE UP!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Trump Thinks Description of Candidate is About Him But It's Socialist Sanders

Mika is describing Bernie Sanders but Trump thought it was about him. Universal healthcare (single payer), taxing the rich and I'm willing to bet there are other Sanders bullet points that Trump agrees with.

Socialist Sanders to progressive Trump are not what this country needs especially since both will widen the divide among Americans. This election is not a popularity contest nor a call to go completely socialist and with the death of Justice Scalia we cannot risk having a radical appointing the next 2-3 Supreme Court Justices.

Wonder if Trump will sue Mika for playing gotcha?

WH: President Obama Won’t Attend Scalia’s Funeral

Obama is certified disgrace to the office he represents to not attend Justice Scalia's funeral. Big deal he and Michelle will go to the Supreme Court to pay respects, but I guess theyre afraid to attend a Catholic funeral! No one really cares if Crazy Uncle Joe is going to the funeral either. Attending the funeral is a demonstration of showing respect which obama lacks. He has such contempt for anyone who objects to his radical agenda he will express that contempt in any form, like not attending a funeral.

I have no doubt Darth Hussein™ had a smile on his face when he got news of Scalia's passing knowing he would have the opportunity to appoint another radical to the Supreme Court.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Rubio: Gang of 8 Bill Never Intended to Become Law

“The Senate immigration law was not headed towards becoming law. Ideally it was headed towards the House where conservative members of the House were going to make it even better. ”

The lies that come out of Rubio's mouth is off the charts! Marco Rubio thinks Americans are so stupid to now believe the entire Gang of 8 bill was a poison pill? How much more proof do you need to see how untrustworthy he is? How many lies will supporters turn a blind eye to?

Wanna know why he is doing this? Because he has been caught lying multiple times. After repeatedly lying about Ted Cruz, Cruz proved Marco was a liar at the South Carolina debate when Marco said he didn't speak spanish only to be called out by Cruz speaking en Espanol! And it turns out Marco did in fact say he would keep executive amnesty in place when he appeared on Univision. Many of Marco's supporters are YUUUGE on open border policy too...

Open-Borders Money Backs Marco Rubio
Michelle Malkin |
...Here's what you need to know:

Facebook, Microsoft and Silicon Valley back Marco Rubio. Mark Zuckerberg is a social justice CEO who panders to Hispanics with his pro-amnesty, anti-deportation advocacy; Facebook is an H-1B visa dependent company working hard to obliterate hurdles to hiring an unlimited stream of cheap foreign tech workers. It's no coincidence that Facebook's lobbying outfit,, was waging war on Sen. Cruz online this week in parallel with Sen. Rubio's disingenuous onstage attack.

The D.C. front group, which Zuckerberg seeded in 2013 with nearly $40 million during the Gang of Eight fight, has consistently provided political protection for Rubio as he carried their legislative water.'s GOP subsidiary, "Americans for a Conservative Direction," showered Rubio and pro-illegal alien amnesty Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., with millions of dollars in media ad buys. The group also funded a deceptive, $150,000 ad campaign for immigration sellout Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., which falsely claimed she opposed amnesty to help her fend off a primary challenge. In all, spent an estimated $5 million on TV and radio spots in more than 100 GOP districts before the Senate passed the Gang of Eight bill in June 2013.

Zuckerberg personally donated to Rubio, as have pro-H-1B expansionist Silicon Valley CEOs from Oracle, Cisco and Seagate. Microsoft, founded by leading H-1B/amnesty cheerleader Bill Gates, has been Rubio's No. 2 corporate donor the past five years.

Paul Singer backs Marco Rubio. The hedge fund billionaire announced his support for Rubio in October. Amnesty is and always has been a top agenda item for Singer, who helped fund the National Immigration Forum along with fellow hedge fund billionaire George Soros. NIF propped up a faux "grass-roots" initiative of religious conservatives, dubbed the Evangelical Immigration Table, to lobby for the Gang of Eight.

NIF was founded by far-left attorney Rick Swartz, who opposes tracking/deporting visa overstayers and opposes employer sanctions against companies that violated immigration laws. Swartz also served as an advisor to Microsoft

This primary race if anything needs to be cut down to a two man race between Cruz and Trump because Rubio is liar...

Mark Levin: ‘You Can Kiss What’s Left of the Constitution Goodbye’ if Obama Replaces Scalia

Everything Mark Levin spells out in this clip is 100% dead on. If another radical judicial activist is appointed by obama we can kiss the Constitution goodbye! Many times STR has warned the real threat to the US is those who are appointed to SCOTUS. Levin, myself and many others have warned we are 1 vote away from losing our rights, especially the Second Amendment. Well we just lost that 1 vote a few days ago and now our Constitutional rights are in danger.

Yes, obama has a right to appoint Scalia's replacement BUT Congress is not bound by the Constitution to confirm that nominee and seat them on the bench for a lifetime! With this threat on the horizon the idea of an Article V Convention of the States with term limits, not just for Congress but SCOTUS, being first on the docket should be very appealing now!

Any Senate republican who casts a "Yay" vote for whomever obama picks needs to be kicked out of office this election (if they're not up for re-election then they need to be recalled). We know all the democrats will vote in favor so it's a no brainer they need to be thrown out but the question is DO YOU HAVE THE WILL TO DO WHAT IS NECESSARY? Or, will you whine and complain online calling for someone else to do what you choose not to do?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Trump Praises Obama's Illegal Exec Order for DREAMers: I Think It’s Great

Trump supporters you better start to really listen and comprehend what he is (not) saying instead of getting all caught up with his obama style heated rhetoric. You were enraged years ago because no one vetted obama and he turned out to be a total disaster. Here we are again with history repeating itself and so many are blindly backing this guy who is a liberal at heart. FTR he says he will deport illegals, build a wall and welcome them back, that's what we call touchback amnesty DEAL WITH IT!

The reporter was clear with her question to Trump, so please spare the excuses. Now because he stepped in it Trump immediately deflected to make the issue about America dreamers and then goes on about African-Americans... Tell us again he isn't a politician who flips on the fly and plays word games. Either he agrees with obama, as he admitted, or has no idea what he is talking about being incoherent as always. Choose one, but understand either choice is wrong!

Sen Schumer 2007: 'We Should Not Confirm Any Bush Nominee to the Supreme Court'

Oh democrats how your own words are coming back to haunt you all. With the passing of Justice Scalia conservatives are adamant to stop obama from appointing his successor to SCOTUS. The democrats of course NOW embrace the Constitution and the rules in place for said appointment because they're frothing at the mouth for another radical to join the others serving on the bench.

Like clockwork dems came out condemning anyone and everyone who agrees to sandbag an obama appointment and the next POTUS should choose the next justice to serve on SCOTUS. BUT we have this gem from 2007 where Chuck Schumer was clear as day to not confirm any Bush nominee. Keep in mind Bush had 18 mos left vs obama's 11 mos!

You democrats define hypocrite! Why are you all so worried your girl Hillary or socialist pal Bernie will win in Nov right?!

Oh and lets not also forget dems your predecessors in 1960 passed a resolution against election-year Supreme Court recess appointments!

Democrats for just once do your homework and think before you speak making complete ASSES of yourselves!

Friday, February 12, 2016

OH Christian Restaurant Machete Attacker Killed By Police Was Somali Muslim

When news broke late Thursday night of a bloody machete attack at the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli, in Columbus OH, you couldn't help but assume it was a terror attack after past reports of similar styled attacks worldwide. Then to make matters worse the identity of the attacker, killed by police, was being withheld for some time which we definitely saw after several terror attacks in the US. And now the media reports the FBI has gotten involved since the attacker, Mohammad Barry, "has a Somali background, and officials believe he may have traveled to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates in 2012."(CBS)

The police claim this is a random attack...

...but local media suggests the attacker got into an argument with the owner and asked what country he was from!

Once again we have another example of law enforcement going out of its way to not label an attack as terrorism. There is clearly a concerted effort, we cam assume by the obama DOJ, directed to all LE agencies across the US to not call any style attack committed by a muslim terrorism. The obama regime is constantly covering for radical islamists pandering to the muslim community for what end goal? What can this admin possibly gain by protecting those who want to kill us?

If the end goal is power and control, then you allow an enemy to run free causing chaos so the people will beg "for anything to be done"! From that there is no resistance when govt seizes more power under the guise of "for your protection"

Thursday, February 11, 2016

US Ambassador Doesn’t Know Location of Iran’s Enriched Uranium

Ambassador Stephen Mull, who was appointed as the State Departments Lead Coordinator for Iran Nuclear Implementation, stated to Congress "we do not have concerns about Russian custody of this material.." He went on to say the IAEA over saw the loading of nuclear material, BUT when directly questioned by Rep Chris Smith Mull dodged if the IAEA knew the final destination stating it's under Russia's control and responsibility!

This revelation is another example of how bad the obama/Iran nuke deal is. It is beyond naive to not have detailed information as to who and where in Russia this material will end up.

The uranium was shipped out but what confirmation do we have it all made it to Russia? How do we know all the uranium was handed over to Russia? It's no mystery Russia is an ally of Iran's since they both have a common enemy ie the USA, so who is to say they didn't let the Iranians keep some? Mull states if "one piece of dust" goes back or we can assume is missing "we'll" know, but how?

Sorry to share this disturbing information and distract everyone from the GOP circus led by PT Barnum-Trump. Just thought you should know so you won't be surprised one day when a major city is glowing in the dark.

DHS Whistleblower Says He Was Ordered to 'Scrub' Records of Muslims With Terror Ties

The fmr DHS employee, Phil Haney, who blew the whistle on how the admin shut down the security probe on jihadis, that could have stopped the San Bernardino terror attack, says he was ordered to delete and modify records of muslims in the US with terror ties.

To the biggest doubters out there it should now be abundantly clear the obama imperial regime is engaged in a concerted effort to protect radical islam... regardless of the consequences. What is more disturbing is that no one in DC, including ANY of the presidential candidates, are speaking out about the danger this administration has put all Americans in with these deliberate actions.

The obama admin has more or less rolled out the red-carpet for radical islamists as well as their support groups to set up camp in America. It has a feeling or a sense of early forced colonization, to where one day we will be experiencing the same problems Germany, Sweden, Italy and most of Europe is experiencing. This leads one to suspect we will be on the receiving end of a massive number of "refugees" before obama's term is up. It's like the powers that be are preparing us to just deal with whomever is here and we cannot vet these people under any circumstances... but the bigger question is why protect those who are potential threats? This action doesn't make any sense, it truly is political correctness out of control if we can't keep eyes on those with terror ties. Now if you wanted a reason to seize power, then allowing threats to live among the people who will create havoc and chaos makes total sense! Violence in the streets of America is all that is missing from this machine being turned on progressives have been building for a very long time. The infrastructure is set up for total control, all that's needed is a violent event.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Obama Whines 'Meanness' in Politics Has 'Gotten Worse' Since Elected

Pot meet kettle... WOW does this guy have nerve! The meanness in politics has gotten worse because of him! Obama has done so much damage to this country everyone is just about at each others throat. And no dems it has nothing to do with the color of his skin, his policies and the language he has used has driven a massive wedge straight through the heart of this country.

Well done Mr President, you have done so much to drive the people apart you have created a monster who is rising in the GOP who will surely do this nation in.

As for his regurgitated bullet points on jobs and the economy the'yre nothing but bunch of lies

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Sorry Donald Trump, Ted Cruz Was Talking About Building a Border Wall in 2011

Donald Trump wants to take credit for his call to build a border fence/ wall but the truth is Ted Cruz was talking about it waaaaayyy back in 2011/12. When Cruz was running for the Senate against multimillionaire, TX Lt Gov David Dewhurst and Trump was donating 10's of thousands of dollars to RINOs and democrats, one of Cruz's top campaign priorities was securing our border to build a wall/ fence along the US southern border.

Let's not forget Congress passed the Secure Fence Act, that Pres Bush signed into law in 2006, to build the border fence but due to Congress' incompetence they have yet to fund it. Congress is too busy wasting OUR money on turtle tunnels, Solyndra and 66 other ways of blowing our money vs national security.

Also take note eminent domain was also brought up during this debate where Cruz was clear property owners should be treated with due process and compensated. As for the cost of building a wall, these figures being quoted to Cruz are outlandish, it can be done for much less than $6.5 million per mile! Hell Cruz has even said, as President, he would get Trump to build the wall since the Donald says he can do it right at a low cost!

Monday, February 8, 2016

FBI Confirms Investigation Into Clinton's Private Email Server

The FBI must have gotten tired of Clinton claiming she did nothing wrong after her comments during the DNC debate claiming its just a security investigation.

Hillary wants the country to believe emailgate is just another GOP driven conspiracy against her but why? Why does the country dislike and hate her so much? Because she is all those things people have accused her of and she should be in jail after decades of unethical behavior and breaking the law.

Clinton will be indicted but don't hold your breath she'll be prosecuted. IMO the DOJ/ FBI doesn't have the stones to go after her especially with Eric Holder 2.0 aka Loretta Lynch in control. When this happens it will be confirmation the US is in fact a Banana Republic. The feds like many fear her, because if she finds a way to weasel out, she'll use this failed investigation to propel her to the Oval Office where you can bet your last $1 heads will literally role.

Madeleine Albright: Place in Hell For Women Who Don't Help Each Other ➜ Clinton

Who, made fmr Sec of State Madeleine Albright "god" to condemn women who don't "help"/ support other women (Albright means ☛ Hillary) will have a special place waiting for them in hell!? What kind of evil person (AND I MEAN THAT) would make such an outlandish statement?

Sorry Maddy but the only special place in hell is for those who support a criminal like Hillary Clinton. And no Hllary will not be going to the White House or "up". Maybe the fmr Sec of State needs to be reminded of the countless scandals Clinton has under her belt or the witch hunts she launched against all the women her playboy hubby screwed around with that Hillary did everything in her power to destroy!

Some serious advice for Albright and many others...

Friday, February 5, 2016

Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

This is a joke right? Oh wait these are the same geniuses who gave obama a Nobel Peace Prize.

What acts in the name of world peace... being peaceful period, has Trump done? Did I miss something, is he giving millions to save the Christians being slaughtered in the middle east? No, according to NPP nomination letter it's Trump's "vigorous peace through strength ideology" towards enemies, radical regimes that makes him a candidate!

O K A Y, well there's no doubt we are in "bizarro cuckoos nest" ~ Ted Nugent

100 MILLION Americans Out of Work: Pres Obama is LYING, Unemployment Rate is at Great Depression Era Level

This is one of the most disingenuous speeches pres obama has ever given. There is no other way to put it obama is flat out lying. No progress has been made economically when you write off people who have given up looking for a job. The unemployment rate (UE) of 4.9% obama takes credit for is only based on those people who are on the books, the actual true unemployment rate is 23% (22.9%)...

shadow stats UE rate Jan 2016

At it's height during the Great Depression the UE rate reached 25%!

By the govts Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers:

94,062,000 Americans are out of the work/ labor force
+ 7,800,000 Americans are officially on the books as unemployed
= 101,862,000 Americans are out of work

If you also factor a percentage of those on disability because their UE benefits ran out, so people applied and were granted disability benefits, the number of those out of work grows even higher!

Jobs continue to be moved over seas, the US went from being the central manufacturing hub of the world to now the central service provider. We make nothing here because companies cannot compete with nations who more or less use slave labor for production. Between that and the mountain of regulations, fees, fines and taxes how can any American company stay competitive on US soil?!

Have you taken note how bad the stock market has been swinging? For the record the market is down 2000 points where triple digit drops are triggered with just the slightest of bad news now (like today). The economy is a sick, dying patient who is becoming immune to antibiotics and adrenaline shots (quantitative easing, bailouts, money printing etc). Everything the SOB's in power are trying to get this economy running again are not working. Don't take my word for it look around are prices going up or down? Do you see businesses booming or closing up? Are you spending more or less, while trying to save every penny you can? The money you are able to save, how much interest are you making on it? Do you feel like you have job security or are keeping your eyes open just in case? Yes, gas prices are down but costs still continue to rise, and if you haven't heard obama wants oil companies to pay a $10 tax on every single barrel of oil for "climate change" (hoax) and transportation infrastructure.

Have we talked about interest rates remaining at/ close to zero for almost a decade?! This is unheard of and when the corrupt Fed finally moves rates up... well let's just say be prepared when hyperinflation kicks in.

Europe continues to give a glimpse into our future...
Great Depression Men & Children Food Lines


As argued the images of the 1930's depression have been replaced with unsustainable government programs. The food lines have been replaced with EBT/ Food Stamps and so on for everything else. This economic hole we're in isn't just a US thing, it's on a global scale now that all our economies are tied together. Citi is warning the global economy is in a "death spiral"....

Make no mistake about it, America is and has been in a stealth depression since (at least) 2008.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dem Rep Conyers: Illegal Aliens 'Are Not Engaging in an Illegal Act'

If one is not born in the US and a citizen of another country they are an alien. If said alien enters the US illegally by crossing border in middle of the night, being smuggled, obtaining fraudulent/forged documents etc or in other words doing everything possible to avoid border agents, TSA, customs etc they are illegal aliens.

Rep Conyers the only reason mothers and children are seeking "asylum" in the US is because the progressives in power, from obama to you, have wrung the amnesty bell making it clear food, shelter, education, medical care etc is free in the US to illegal aliens at the expense of taxpayers.

America I WARNED YOU this excuse that illegal aliens would be deemed "asylum seekers" would be used. NO ONE LISTENED. There are unconfirmed reports illegal aliens are being told to say they're seeking asylum because of the lax border enforcement policies. So are we ready to get back to talking about the real issues plaguing this country or does everyone want to fight over who said what over a tweet? This country is in real trouble and thanks to one candidate we aren't talking about the issues instead he is single handily dividing the republican party over childish antics.

Trump Owns Heckler Claiming Illegal Aliens Are the Backbone of the US

As one would expect at a Trump rally some radical, open border, amnesty for all, leftist infiltrator interrupted claiming illegal aliens are the backbone of the US! Seriously? How is that when illegals are siphoning off of govt programs they didn't pay into which was established to help down and out Americans who did pay into them? How are illegals the backbone of the country when they REFUSE to assimilate? Surely one doesn't consider an illegal alien here who "does the job Americans don't want", which is LIE, the backbone of America because they are in fact TAKING JOBS from Americans!?

Like him or hate him Trump is right hardworking legal immigrants (like my family that came here in early and mid 20th century from Italy) are the backbone of this country. Those who come here by the book are not the types who seek out free stuff, they actually contribute to our society, economy and by assimilating our culture!

Carson Camp in Trouble, Reports of Downsizing Lack of Funds

In the wake of misinformation that went out about Carson suspending his campaign, in which the Cruz camp was blamed no thanks to CNN, it would appear the truth is slowly dripping out about Ben Carson's bid.

According to the Carson camp we are to believe a world renowned brain surgeon, who has had to make countless life and death decisions, a man who in fact has gotten that 3am call and even journeyed into "undiscovered territory" in his field of medicine had to take a break because he needed clean clothes!? We're seriously supposed to accept this man I just described couldn't send his dirty laundry to the hotel laundry service, have an aid run to the dry cleaners or at the worst run to a department store or even have them come to him for a new suit?

Sorry doc not buying it and neither should anyone reading this! Why

According to The Washington Times members of a Carson super PAC called it quits joined the Cruz campaign on Jan 31st... the Iowa Caucus and rumor of campaign suspension was Feb 1st late in the day (4:43pm). It's also reported the Carson campaign is downsizing, cutting salaries and staff, reducing advisers to rolling/ traveling crew as funds are drying up.

This all didn't just happen, Carson's campaign has had its share of ups and down and he was never in the running in Iowa. This campaign is on life support and probably "misinformed" CNN's Chris Moody to get some attention and airtime since the over-sized oompa loompa has been busy making this election about him! Don't be surprised if he drops out after the New Hampshire or South Carolina primary.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Clinton Supporters Sign Petition Approving Karx Marx as Her VP Pick

The stupidity of the electorate never ceases to amaze me. Remember waaaaayyy back in the time before (2008) when it was offensive to suggest a candidate was a socialist and with obama it was racist?! Now voters on the left, many who ID with the democrat party are embracing socialism and candidates who push it. Mind you the average Clinton or Sanders voter doesn't know what socialism is, but they're all for it! This of course is no thanks to the education system that wants kids to speak spanish and know about sex and gender before they're out of kindergarten!

Socialism is that gray area between capitalism and communism. It hints of govt control in the name of social, economic justice, brought in very subtly before the switch is turned on to full communism. History has proven it never really works in the long-term. Socialism is responsible for the death of 40,000 within first 15 months of the French Revolution. Fast forward a few years following the Russian Revolution 20 million died and under Mao in China 75 million people dead because of socialism (communism). Sure those were ancient times but have you taken note of whats going on in Venezuela? They have the highest inflation rate of 808%, food is hard to get (McD's large fries cost $126) and toilet paper is now a rare commodity!

The last thing this country needs is a self avowed socialist (Sanders) as president but even worse a corrupt career politician like Clinton who hides what she really is, progressive; a really nice way of calling oneself socialist/communist.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Ben Carson Says Rival Camp Playing Dirty Telling Voters He Was Dropping out

This whining from Carson epitomizes one of the traits of true conservatives and TEA Partiers of personal responsibility. Let's assume it's true and someone from one of the other candidates camps spread this lie that Carson was dropping out. It is the voters responsibility to verify this "news" they hear from the opposition or along the grapevine.

This is politics folks, it's dirty and people are playing dirtier than ever. The only people Ben Carson should be mad at are his supporters who believed the rumor.

Here's and example of taking personal responsibility: Yours truly was out for a while away from the computer and TV to get any news. When I got back I heard Huckabee pulled out. I didn't take anyone's word as gospel I went and verified it.

This is what adults do and frankly I expect better from people than this lame cop-out. Assume the worst is going to come out from all candidates do your damn homework and GROW UP!

MSNBC's Harris Perry Compares Deporting Illegal Aliens in Flint, MI to Fugitive Slave Laws

This is the typical sick logic of a progressive. Melissa Harris Perry regardless what she says is a racist who looks for any angle on any issue, like the Flint water crisis, to make it racial. They claim that if illegals in Flint accept clean water from govt it may leave them vulnerable to apprehension and then deportation.

"I don't want the Obama administration’s final year to be marred by a fugitive slave law around the question of this deportation that leads in the context of Flint to actual children being actually poisoned by lead because their parents are too afraid to open the door for clean water."

Like that would ever happen under the obama regime! Obama has done the opposite allowing illegals to flood across the border unchecked. Of course the clip wouldn't be complete without fear mongering of a republican winning presidency who would order homes to be barged in and round people up!

Trump Will Enact Universal Health Care: 'I Don't Care If It Costs Me Votes'

This is from way back in January 2016...

For those of you in the dark universal health coverage is one of the many phrases dems used to ID obamacare. It is beyond baffling how a nation that was beyond enraged over barackobamacare will turn a blind eye support Trump who promises to deliver his own version of it. Who will pay for it? "Government" not STR's words, his:

America that is your money, you are the American government. We don't need single payer, universal or any other type of health care system created that is run by government. Trump can deny and twist the words around all he wants but if govt is paying for it then it is what it is! Trump is also on record during the the Fox debate praising Canadian system which is single payer!

The govt has proven they cannot do anything right, just look at Social Security, welfare system, AMTRAK etc, all complete disasters! The only business this govt is good at is our military, they should leave everything else to the free market. That said Trump running healthcare through his regime will be a fiasco as it is now.

Those of you voting in Iowa you need to vote based on logic not emotion. Trump wins the emotion debate but logically what he proposes is like Tom Hanks character from the movie "Big". His ideas won't work and he couldn't careless if what he proposes is in violation of the Constitution. How do you know this? There is not one video of him citing the Constitutionality of his platform.

If you're vehemently against obamacare you cannot support this man.